Reviver Electrolytes - Usage Guide for Traithlons, Marathons, & Ultra-Marathons

How to Use Reviver for Triathlons and Marathons

Reviver electrolytes usage guide for triathlons, marathons, and ultra-marathons


In the week leading up to the race, it's recommended to continually consume electrolytes with all water.

  • Take 1 Reviver Capsule with every 2 bottles (about 32 oz) of water consumed

Also, important to remember during this time, is to be cautious of consuming unnecessary calories in the form of refined sugar (e.g. sports drinks, coconut water, etc.)

0-12 Hours Pre-Event

  • 1 Reviver Capsule with 16 oz of water the night before
  • 1 Reviver Capsule with 16 oz the morning of the event

During the Race/Event

Marathon, Ultra-Marathon, & Running Only Event

  • Take 1-2 capsules per hour during the entire event
  • The number of capsules per hour will depend on sweat rate, heat, and humidity. Extra humid and/or high temperature conditions may require more than 2 capsules per hour.

Triathlon or Ironman

  • Start with 1 Reviver Capsule 15-30 minutes into the bike portion of the ride
  • After the first capsule, take 1-2 capsules per hour during the rest of the event
  • During the latter part of the event, electrolyte capsules per hour may need to increase to help continue the race. In these cases more than 2 capsules per hour may be necessary.
  • The number of capsules per hour will also depend on sweat rate, heat, and humidity. Extra humid and/or high temperature conditions may require more than 2 capsules per hour.


Proper post-event recovery can be accelerated with electrolytes.

  • 1-2 Reviver capsules after the event